51.Been telling friends for years! We are bombarded at home with EMF’s from phones, TVs, and electrical! Download an EMF app from Apple or android store and check. Scary true‼️ That is why we feel so much better in the country or at Beach a
52.Every physicist I've asked about this says EMF danger is baloney.
53. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint. While some physicists may hold that view, there are also studies and research indicating potential effects of EMF on our health. For a broader perspective, you might find this documentary from CBC News
54.How can it be tested to see if it’s actually working?
55.How do we know the EMF is actually being blocked is there anyway to test it? There’s literally hundreds of these EMF blockers yet no one has a test to see if it’s actually blocking anything.
56. so you say how can that be proven
57.Does it work if I stick it under a phone case or under an iPad case? Does it work if I put it on top of a protective phone case or device case or does it have to stick directly on the phone or devices?
58.Abject SCAM. Does nothing but thin your wallet.
59.this is all crap