21.Sounds weird
22.Just another BS it does more harm than good
23.Well and we wonder why the government just tells us anything
24.The device would emit from all portions not one spot. Total Scam
25.Where is the video that shows proof that this chip is actually absorbing the harmful signals? Or is this placebo?-
26.I am even more skeptical after visiting your site. The links lead to what look like scientific papers, but it lacks any of the processes, procedures, variables, and so forth I would expect from an actual scientific document. One of many
27.Interesting, most of those references are not to the results of the Bodywell. and most of the information is not results at all. The ones that are used a Galaxy S3. Guess that's been a while ago... no dates that I can see. And apparently
28.Pay attention in science class kids or you'll look like a fool with useless stickers all over your stuff!
29.If this worked, the phone would stop working. Quit scamming people.
30.You people need to get out more. This is 100% bullshit.