1. Comment: Let's see a spectrum analysis to prove it actually modified the carrier.
2. Tell me how this compares with the product BlueShield US?
3. 60 dollars X, 300 million in the US only not much profit there.
4. My theory: There isn't enough RL stuff to keep them entertained. So why not give them some RL stuff to entertain them, like learning toys or musical instruments.
5. Hey it showed the kids keeping the phone several inches away. With such a low power transmitter as a phone this is safe no problem.
6. Big scam. If you know anything about EMF, computer chips, and basic thermodynamics, then you know this product and all the ones like it are impossible and can only provide the placebo effect.
7. Interesting, most of those references are not to the results of the Bodywell. and most of the information is not results at all. The ones that are used a Galaxy S3. Guess that's been a while ago... no dates that I can see. And apparently
8. I have a case on my phone is its ok to place it on the case ,or do I need to put it directly on the phone ?
9. When will we get good, accurate INFORMATION without THEN…. trying to sell us yet another damn supplement??? When?!
10. This is why I only turn my phone on in case of an emergency, I don't text and have a hard land line. US SOCOM pointed out in the 80's about the danger of cell phones.